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#76#77#78#79 Episode #80 - Biotechnology and Corporate Globalization
(And report from WTO)



Sun 25 November 2001  Luke Anderson, Maude Barlow, Alex Callinicos
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we look at biotechnology, its claims and its context: the economic and political structures of global capitalism and the profit motive. In our first hour, a presentation by British anti-biotech activist and author Luke Anderson. In our second hour, a report on the recent WTO meeting in Qatar by Canadian anti-corporate globalization activist Maude Barlow, and an analysis of the system of global capitalism from one of its opponents, British political scientist Alex Callinicos.
The biotechnology industry recently launched a 50 million dollar advertising campaign designed to portray the genetic modification of food as motivated by , and necessary to, ending world hunger. Though individuals involved in the development of biotechnology may well have such motives, the reality is that the world already produces more than enough food to feed every person on the planet.
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