From UnwelcomeGuests
The following books read on the show have been converted into audiobooks, available at the audiobook archive: |
- 1 Ascent of Humanity, by Charles Eisenstein, read by Lyn Gerry & Robin Upton
- 2 Debt, The First 5000 Years by David Graeber, read by Robin Upton
- 3 Deschooling Society, by Ivan Illich, read by Tereza Coraggio & Robin Upton
- 4 Disciplined Minds, by Jeff Schmidt, read by Lyn Gerry
- 5 Fifty Years of the Deep State, by Mark Gorton, read by Robin Upton
- 6 The Underground History of American Education, read by Lyn Gerry & Robin Upton
Ascent of Humanity, by Charles Eisenstein, read by Lyn Gerry & Robin Upton
The simplest download is a single ZIP file, including a playlist (806MB). Alternatively, download by Chapter:
- Introduction (17MB)
- The Triumph of Technology (52MB)
- The Origins of Separation (118MB)
- The Way of the World (97MB)
- Money and Property (128MB)
- The World under Control (118MB)
- The Crumbling of Certainty (107MB)
- The Age of Reunion (143MB)
- Self and Cosmos (67MB)
Debt, The First 5000 Years by David Graeber, read by Robin Upton
The simplest download is a single ZIP file (488MB). Alternatively, download by Chapter:
- On The Experience of Moral Confusion (24MB)
- The Myth of Barter (24MB)
- Primordial Debts (39MB)
- Cruelty and Redemption (20MB)
- A Brief Treatise on the Moral Grounds of Economic Relations (49MB)
- Games with Sex and Death (47MB)
- Honor and Degradation, or, On the Foundations of Contemporary Civilization (61MB)
- Credit Versus Bullion, And the Cycles of History (13MB)
- The Axial Age (800 BC-600 AD) (38MB)
- The Middle Ages (600 AD-1450 AD) (74MB)
- Age of the Great Capitalist Empires (1450-1971) (73MB)
- The Beginning of Something Yet to Be Determined (1971-...) (40MB)
Deschooling Society, by Ivan Illich, read by Tereza Coraggio & Robin Upton
The simplest download is a ZIP file of all 7 chapters, (133MB), alternatively download by chapter:
- Why We Must Disestablish School (29MB)
- Phenomenology of School (10MB)
- The Ritualization of Progress (22MB)
- Institutional Spectrum (14MB)
- Irrational Consistencies (7MB)
- Learning Webs (34MB)
- Rebirth of Epimethean Man (16MB)
Disciplined Minds, by Jeff Schmidt, read by Lyn Gerry
The simplest download is a single MP3 file, 13 hours 8 minutes (360MB), the smallest is a single ZIP file of separate chapters, including a playlist (316MB).
Fifty Years of the Deep State, by Mark Gorton, read by Robin Upton
The download is a single MP3 file, 2 hours and 31 minutes (72.5MB)
The Underground History of American Education, read by Lyn Gerry & Robin Upton
The smallest complete download is a single ZIP file of separate chapters, including a playlist (666MB).
- Prologue (21MB)
- The Way It Used To Be (55MB)
- An Angry Look at Modern Schooling (23MB)
- Eyeless in Gaza (46MB)
- I Quit, I Think (31MB)
- True Believers and The Unspeakable Chautaqua (46MB)
- The Lure of Utopia (30MB)
- The Prussian Connection (26MB)
- A Coal-Fired Dream World (49MB)
- The Cult of Scientific Management (42MB)
- My Green River (39MB)
- The Crunch (32MB)
- The Daughters of The Barons Of Runymede (37MB)
- The Empty Child (48MB)
- Absolute Absolution (31MB)
- The Psychopathology of Everyday Schooling (22MB)
- A Conspiracy Against Ourselves (26MB)
- The Politics of Schooling (55MB)
- Breaking Out of The Trap (53MB)
Pages in category "Audiobooks"
The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.