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#442#443#444#445 Episode #446 - Saving the Shire
(Home Rule versus Energy Corporations in the Finger Lakes)



Sun 18 January 2009  Cris Burger, Autumn Stoschek, Adam Flint, Jack Ossont, Rachel Treichler
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2An overview of the process called hydro-fracking.
6500 feet below the earth of New York's beautiful, rural Finger Lakes region lies a geological formation called the Marcellus shale. Halliburton has developed a destructive and toxic process called hydrofracking that can extract gas from such formations. Energy corporations have already laid waste to vast areas of Colorado, Wyoming, Texas and Pennsylvania to extract shale gas. Now they have their sights on New York, aided and abetted by corrupt/and or ill informed politicians and bureaucrats in Albany who rubber stamped the provisions the corporations wanted. But the people in the Finger Lakes have a different idea of the future that does not involve being and industrial sacrifice zone, and are organizing to stop it.
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