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#439#440#441#442 Episode #443 - False Energy Solutions - Follow the Money!
(Capitalism and the Triple Crisis #3)



Sun 28 December 2008  Debi Barker, David Pimentel, Tad Patzek, Lucia Ortiz, Tony Clarke, Mary Anne Hitt, Jeff Goodell
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2A panel of speakers from the International Forum on Globalization investigate the relationship between the problems of climate change, energy and the consumer society.
The new administration and Congress that will soon take power have pledged to take a new constructive direction on the issues of climate and energy - but the approaches that were discussed during the campaign and are apparently the front runners among policy makers are largely false solutions. The program this week will devoted to explaining why this is so. We're going to hear a panel of speakers on energy, including scientists, journalists and activists who spoke at Confronting the triple crisis - a conference held by the International Forum on Globalization in last September to consider the relationship between the problems of climate change, energy and the consumer society.
Thanks to The International Forum on Globalization
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