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#636#637#638#639 Episode #640 - The Making of The US Corporate Empire
(The Power Principle 1)



Sat 26 January 2013  Nafeez Ahmed, John Perkins, Kermit Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Howard Hunt, James Petras, John Stauber, Marcia Esperaza, Che Guevara, Peter Linebaugh, Alexander Haig, Noam Chomsky, Robert McNamara, Salvadore Alende, John Pilger, Henry Kissinger, Naomi Klein, Graeme McQueen, George Elsey, Michael Parenti, Harry Truman, Ralph McGehee, Howard Zinn, Philip Agee, Nancy Snow
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we devote the whole show to the first part of a radio adaptation of Metanoia's latest film, The Power Principle. Using examples of Iran, Guatemala, Congo, Chile and Greece a wide range of insiders and historians unmask the Cold War as a propaganda cover for the war between the rest of the world and resource hungry US corporations.
The first film by Metanoia Films, PsyWar, was published in 2010, and was adapted for Unwelcome Guests episode 518. Since then, writer/director Scott Noble has steadily turned out a set of top notch documentaries. The latest is The Power Principle, which Michael Parenti called "a gripping, deeply informative account of the plunder, hypocrisy, and mass violence of plutocracy and empire; insightful, historically grounded and highly relevant to the events of today." The overall larger picture of US corporate interests steadily exercising ever increasing dominance over the US political machine until the entire political class is bought and paid for will be a fairly familiar one to most regular listeners. Neverthless the ensemble is a well balanced and compelling one, and is up to date including evidence from the last few years. It could provide a good starting point for discussion for new listeners to the show.
Thanks to Scott Noble for such a compelling film.
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