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#8#9#10#11 Episode #12 - Corporate Bias and Censorship in the News Media
(Michael Parenti, Toxic Dreams and RBGH)



Sat 27 May 2000  Michael Parenti, Cara Ben-Yaakov, Steve Wilson, Jane Akre
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Three angles on censorship by the corporate media, first from Michael Parenti and Cara Ben-Yaakov. Then Steve Wilson and Jane Akre tell how they were offered hush money by Fox News to quit their investigation into RBGH, after the station was threatened by Monsanto, but they refused. They report on their legal action demanding that they not be forced to lie.
In the first hour, we continue Michael Parenti's lecture series with "The Hidden Ideology of the News Media". In the second hour, we look at two cases where business interests and profit motive have resulted in the suppression of news stories about health risks to the community. Cara Ben-Yaakov, talks about how the Ithaca Times censored her story "Toxic Dreams" which revealed that Ithaca officials are planning to build a shopping center on the site of a toxic waste dump that already threatens the health of residents of a mobile home park, as well as the health of Cayuga Lake itself. Then, an interview with Steve Wilson and Jane Akre, two reporters who are suing Fox TV after they were fired several years ago for refusing to report false information about the health risks of Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.
Music: Nice Dream by Radiohead
Some of this episode's content is repeated in episode 673.
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