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#242#243#244#245 Episode #246 - The Contradictions of Empire
(Cracks in the Foundation of American Hegemony)



Sun 20 March 2005  Greg Palast, Walden Bello, Johan Galtung
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This weekend Americans in more than 700 cities, as well as people around the world, protested the ongoing war and occupation in Iraq - grief at loved ones lost, rage at dreams destroyed and for many, a sense of futility and desperation as the Bush/Cheney administration and their congressional allies, make war on all fronts to destroy anything that was good about the US, transforming it into a brave new Mordor. This week on the program you may hear something astonishing. Not one, but two activist scholars of worldwide renown, one Asian, and one European, are predicting the demise of the American empire, a collapse by what they both call its contradictions...and not in some distant future, but soon. The cracks are opening and spreading in the foundation of the empire. And, from within the inner circles, comes more confirmation of the real objectives of the Iraq war, a long held plan of conquest, that needed only September 11th, 2001 to proceed.

Thanks to Redeye Coop Radio, LA Sound Posse, Scooter
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