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#185#186#187#188 Episode #189 - Evil, Inc.
(Percy Schmeiser v. Monsanto)



Sat 18 October 2003  Percy Schmeiser, Jeff Schmidt (reading)
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week a true story about a corporation so mad for power that it threatens and harasses people who stand up to it with lawsuits and a private police force, so unethical that it deliberately contaminates the environment to force its products on unwilling customers, so pernicious that it's able to portray its victims as perpetrators, turn neighbor against neighbor and establish a climate of fear, so greedy that it aims to control the world food supply by using intellectual property laws to enforce its extortionate demands. Facing down this behemoth is a an elderly farm couple from the prairies of Saskachewan. This week Percy Schmeiser tells of his battle with the Monsanto corporation, and then, another instalment from Disciplined Minds.
This week we reading finish by reading chapter 10 from Disciplined Minds, entitled Examining the Examination.
For a more up to date episode on Percy Schmeiser, see episode 657
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