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#30#31#32#33 Episode #34 - The Unfree Press
(Robert McChesney and Amy Goodman talk)



Sat 28 October 2000  Robert McChesney, Pierre Loiselle, Amy Goodman
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we hear Robert McChesney speaking on Rich Media, Poor Democracy. Then a report of the efforts to neutralize the last remaining independent radio network, Pacifica Radio, and a talk on the state of journalism today by Democracy Now host, Amy Goodman.
During the 1972 presidential election campaign, the Watergate Scandal broke into the press. Two reporters from the Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Berstein, followed a story of a burglary at the Democratic headquarters that exposed a conspiracy that led all the way to the Nixon whitehouse. Nixon, ultimately resigned to avoid impeachment. This story of the Free Press keeping government honest has been held up as evidence that the system works. The reality is that the press is rarely a watchdog of the public interest, and is increasingly less so due to the its subordination to the financial interests of its owners.
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