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#11#12#13#14 Episode #15 - Razing the Countryside
(Fighting City Hall and Urbanisation)



Sat 17 June 2000  Al Krebbs, Michael Parenti
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2We look at the corporate dictated government policy which depopulates real rural communities, and sites urban garbage dumps in rural areas, while an idealised image of rural life is becoming a subject for Disney theme parks.
First, Al Krebbs, editor of the AgBiz Tiller, talks about the assault on the family farm by agribusiness interests and the role that global trade agreements play. Secondly, a special report from the mountains of West Virginia, where coal companies are literally levelling mountains, burying waterways and poisoning wells in order to maximize their profits, while poverty in those communities deepens. Finally, a commentary by Michael Parenti on why we must fight city hall.
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