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#397#398#399#400 Episode #401 - Declaration of Peace Town Hall
(The Illegal Invasion of Iraq, What They Knew, and When They Knew It)



Sun 9 March 2008  Scott Ritter, Elizabeth De La Vega, Bryan Casler, Kathy Castania
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2A town hall meeting featuring speakers including Scott Ritter, a former UN chief weapons inspector.
On March 6, members of Rochester, NY Declaration of Peace in collaboration with 45 other local organizations hosted a town hall featuring a panel of speakers: Scott Ritter, a former UN chief weapons inspector and marine corps officer, Elizabeth de la Vega, a former federal prosecutor, and Bryan Casler of Iraq Veterans Against the War. The event was part of broader campaign action by Declaration of Peace to call local members of Congress to account on the illegality of the Iraq invasion and occupation. This week I'm going to play you the event pretty much in its entirety. The participants spoke frankly and I heard a few things I hadn't heard before that contradict congressional claims of ignorance. Though the event's declared purpose was an examination of the legality of the Iraq invasion, it was in my view a historical document of mainstream Americans who set out to use the supposed mechanisms of their democracy to find instead lies and hypocrisy.
Thanks to John Keevert of the First Unitarian Church of Rochester for recording the event with assistance from Michele Markert, and Unwelcome Guests Rochester correspondent Carl Pultz of Alembic Productions for production and editing.
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