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#240#241#242#243 Episode #244 - Toward a Market-Free Economy
(Why Markets Do Not and Cannot Meet Our Needs - and What Can)



Sun 6 March 2005  Genevieve Vaughan, Peggy Antrobus, Jeanette Armstrong, Scooter, Mark Twain (Reading)
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2Proponents of the market economy portray it as a relationship of exchange where a seller is given a profit incentive to meet the needs of buyers, and that the market system is the best way to meet human needs. But the market is not meeting human needs, either physical needs among the billions of impoverished, nor creating the society that meets the emotional needs if even the affluent. Depression is epidemic. Feminist thinkers have been gathering to challenge the fundamental paradigm of buying and selling with the gift economy. As you will hear on the program, the gift economy is what has served human society until relatively recently in human history. And the relation of giving, rather than trading, still governs our most important social relationships.

Thanks to Frieda Werden and
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