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#441#442#443#444 Episode #445 - Power and Peril, Organizing for Survival
(Capitalism and The Triple Crisis #5, Power and Powerlessness #20)



Sun 11 January 2009  John Loeffler, David Spratt, Alex Smith, Herman Ott, Victor Menotti, Daphne Wysham, Dave Batker, Susan Rosenthal (reading)
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2The week on the show, we look at economics and politics of planetary survival (and destruction). We tart with 10 minutes from John Loeffler on the lack of evidence for anthropogenic global warming, before we hear an opposite view from David Spratt. We then hear four speakers from the IFG's Confronting The Triple Crises Conference, before concluding with a reading from Susan Rosenthal's Power and Powerlessness.
We start with 10 minutes from John Loeffler, from, denying anthropogenic global warming. We contrast this with 20 minutes of Alex Smith interviewing David Spratt, coauthor of Climate Code Red - The Case for Emergency Action about the latest science and the prospects for global warming. In sharp contrast, this suggests that there is a mass of evidence that this is the greatest single threat to humanity and the rest of life on earth. We then hear speakers from the IFG's Confronting The Triple Crises Conference. First Hermann Ott, a coauthor of the Kyoto Protocol, speaking on energy and climate change. Then we hear Victor Menotti on what is needed to change the global economic institutions, to tackle global warming and the coming biodiversity collapse.

Our second hour starts with Daphne Wysham, speaking on the intimate connections between multinational corporations and the global trade systems. She starts by recounting the damage being done to India by US aluminium smelters, under the auspices of the World Bank. Our last speaker this week is the ecological economist, Dave Batker, who challenges the value systems of global finance. He suggests that we should look to natural world for inspiration, reminding us the natural world is more sustainable and equitable than any of the synthesised world, and argues that sufficiency is more important than efficiency.

We conclude the show with a reading on 'Sham Democracy' from Chapter 14 of Susan Rosenthal's Power and Powerlessness.
Thanks to Radio Ecoshock, and the International Forum on Globalization
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