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#9#10#11#12 Episode #13 - Biotechnology
(Battle Royale of the 21st Century)



Sat 3 June 2000  Kristin Dawkins, Eric Bradshaw
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week's program is devoted to biotechnology. Policy analyst Kristin Dawkins is our featured lecturer. Her talk is entitled "Biotechnology: Battle Royale of the 21st Century" which discusses the global economic and political context of the push for genetically modified foods.
Also, a new German study shows modified plant genes can cross the species barrier. Seed companies are moving their facilities to avoid GM contamination. The New York State legislature will hold hearings this summer on a bill to ban the planting of GM crops for five years. And Eric Bradshaw of Ground Score, a Rochester area environmental newspaper, talks about the protests scheduled for the Cornell campus this weekend against GM and a campaign to get Wegmans and Tops to remove or label products containing GM foodstuffs. Info about protests and actions is available on the Ground Score website. You can download a flyer for the June 16-17 protest at Cornell in .pdf, as well as a fabulous informational booklet (also in .pdf), which you can then print and distribute. Anti-Biotech activist group, the Rochester Fishberries, can be reached at 716-461-1071 or by e-mail for more info on the labelling campaign at Wegman's and Tops markets.
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