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#372#373#374#375 Episode #376 - The "War on Terror" and the Bottom Line
(From the 'Red Scare' to the 'Green Scare')



Mon 17 September 2007  Peter Phillips, Will Potter
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we have two talks that illuminate the extent to which the so-called "war on terrorism," specifically, and the concept of national security generally, is about the bottom line, though that is not how its sold to the general public.
You will hear this week how the War On Terror resembles the Cold War in many ways, from red scares at home to wars abroad. At home the target is people whose politics threaten profits, abroad, ditto. A matrix of relationships designed to defend these financial interests involves nearly every influential sector of society, and our speakers will go into detail on who some of they key actors have been, and what laws and policies have resulted. In the first hour, we hear Peter Phillips director of Project Censored, and in the second hour, Will Potter, a DC based journalist with a talk The Green Scare: Eco-Activism in the Age of Terror.
Thanks to Voices for Global Justice and Mike McCormick of Mind Over Matters
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