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#371#372#373#374 Episode #375 - Ecology and Economy
(Permaculture versus the Finance of Mass Destruction)



Sun 9 September 2007  James Boyce, Jim Willie (reading), Darren Doherty
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we look into permaculture, and its potential to stave of destruction of the environment. We contrast this with the systems of greed that still regulate so much of people's conduct, particularly on a global level.
Darren Doherty is a leading permaculture designers who specializes in type of work called keyline design. Keyline design is a system which was originally devised to rehumidify the dry landscapes of Australia and thus speed the creation and regeneration of living topsoils. But as you will hear this week, one of the creators of the keyline system believes that the soil regeneration it performs can remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere and restore the climate balance of the planet, if the system was employed on the planet's farmland.

The problem of the destruction of our environment cannot be separated from economics, and economics, as someone has said, is politics. Environmental destruction, whether climate destabilization or the myriad forms of human induced pollution we have been forced to endure result not from technological failures so much as political ones. The politics of power and disempowerment, driven by economic motives is the salient determining factor, according to the research of our first speaker economist James Boyce of the University of Massachusetts.

A number of independent financial analysts are warming that the US economy is on the verge of a collapse that could bring on a depression like the 1930's or worse. One of the more interesting of these writers is Jim Willie, a PhD statistician and proprietor of He describes the purpose of his site as follows: The Golden Jackass website is designed to inform and instruct in the complex ways of gold, currencies, bonds, interest rates, stocks,

commodities, futures, derivatives and the world economy, with no respect shown for inept bankers and economists, whose policies and practices contribute toward the slow motion degradation, if not destruction, of the financial world.
Thanks to C. S. Soong of Against The Grain, and
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