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#224#225#226#227 Episode #228 - Powerdown, the Counter-Apocalyse
(The Need to Take Matters into Our Own Hands)



Mon 8 November 2004  Gore Vidal, Richard Heinberg
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2First, Gore Vidal on the recent election and the theocratic assault on the American state. Then we turn to the other juggernaut on our horizon, the collapse of industrial civilization as a result of energy depletion and the choices we face, as explained by ecologist Richard Heinberg in his recent book Powerdown: options and actions for a post carbon world.
We are in a fix, caught between a hammer of ecological and economic meltdown and a well organized group of Christian fascists and their neocon allies determined to impose biblical rule in America while making war on the world for its remaining resources.
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