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#82#83#84#85 Episode #86 - The Law of the Land: Might Makes Right
(Chomsky and Parenti)



Mon 7 January 2002  Noam Chomsky, Christian Parenti
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Politicians routinely campaign on being "tough on crime" and demand that citizens take "personal responsibility". Paeans that the so-called "rule of law" is a bulwark against tyranny are a staple of mainstream political rhetoric. To what extent does this rhetoric reflect the reality of the conduct of our nation towards other nations, or the government towards citizens? As we hear this week, in actual practice obedience to laws is only for the poor and the weak - might makes right.
For the first 90 minutes of the program we'll hear a recent speech by Noam Chomsky on the US governments selective adherence to international laws concerning human rights and war crimes. Then we'll take a look at the function of laws of inside our borders with a talk by Christian Parenti focussing on the history of federal crime legislation as a means of social control of poor and working people.
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