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#337#338#339#340 Episode #341 - Disobedience and Solidarity
(When the Empire Makes All the World a Factory)



Sun 14 January 2007  Ehren Watada, Jeff Englehart, Garrett Reppenhagen, Joe Hatcher, Antonio Negri, John Taylor Gatto (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2George Bush's announcement earlier this week of an escalation of troop deployment to Iraq sparked protests around the world. Polls showed more than two thirds of Americans, including those in the military, oppose the escalation. This raises a basic question - what if anything legitimizes Bush to take a life and death action that most people here, and in Iraq oppose, and why should soldiers obey Bush's, rather than the people's will. More fundamentally, why should anyone obey orders they oppose. And a related question, why do they?

Music: David Rovics
Thanks: Sari Gelzer, IVAW, Alexandra Weltz, Andreas Pichler,
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