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    <allpages gapcontinue="Reel_Bad_Arabs" />
      <page pageid="2916" ns="0" title="Rebecca Lemov">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{{Infobox Person
| name        = Rebecca Lemov
| image       = Rebecca Lemov.jpg 
| image_size  = 280px
| birth_date  = 
| birth_place = 
| residence   = 
| known_for   = 
| website     =
| wikipedia   = 
| description = Rebecca Lemov is an assistant professor of the History of Science at Harvard University. Her first book, ''World as Laboratory: Experiments with Mice, Mazes and Men'' chronicled behavioral scientists’ attempts to engineer human society and people’s responses.  The research also led her to investigate the then-obscure history of American psychology’s role in developing a &quot;soft science&quot; of coercive interrogation, a body of techniques that has been picked up anew during the current war on terror.
      <page pageid="5915" ns="0" title="Redeye">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{{Series
|name= Redeye
|hosts= [ Many]
|length= 3 hour
|started= 1970s
|schedule= Weekly
|style= Mainly interviews
|focus= Current events
|description= Based in Vancouver, the Redeye Collective has been providing a progressive slant on current events for over 35 years. Their shows are typically interviews of people whose story is unhelpful to the corporate media's money driven agenda, but who have relevant information to share.

[[category:predatory Capitalism]]