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#100#101#102#103 Episode #104 - Development as Class War
(Ecology, Equity and Resisting Capitalism)



Sat 2 March 2002  Wolfgang Sachs, Blake from CLAC
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2In our first hour of the program we'll hear from Wolfgang Sachs, who will speak on this in the context of "Ecology and Equity: from Rio 1992 to Johannesburg 2002" In our second hour Blake, an anti-capitalist activist with CLAC in Montreal, will speak on the G8 summit planned for this Summer in Canada and the G8's role in this global class war.
The institutions that are driving the worldwide neoliberal economic agenda speak of their activities as "development" designed to increase "prosperity" through "economic growth." The well-groomed proponents of these activities speak of their plans and projects in modulated tones of civility in the conference rooms of elegant hotels, while leaving in their wake a worldwide trail of misery, blood, and pollution. The way for this development is opened by coercion, and is meeting increasing and often desperate resistance from millions suffering under these tender ministrations. A growing number of critics, mostly silenced from the mainstream venues of discourse, are articulating an understanding of this development model as global gangsterism.
Music: ???
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