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#162#163#164#165 Episode #166 - Beyond "The Axis of Evil"
(Clarifying the History of US Intervention in Korea)



Sat 10 May 2003  Brian Willson, Han S. Park
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week on the show we deconstruct the myth of the US as defender of democracy worldwide, by asking why the US had any interest in the communism looking at the events of the Korean peninsular. In our first hour, we hear from Brian Willson, who starts by telling the story of how he was radicalized by discovering the US military's genocidal agenda of bombing villages in Vietnam. He then offers a new perspective on the Korean peninsular and movingly calls for the US population to wake up out of their trance and see what is really happening in the world. Our second hour, Han S. Park, a professor of international relations, on the history of the North Korean regime.
Han S. Park explains the great desire of North Korea to acquire domestically produced nuclear weapons, and opines that although strict sanctions have helped to create famine and damage the North Korean economy, they have not undermined the regime's legitimacy and so can not change it. He recommends to the Bush administration a peaceful resolution to the Korean situation and suggests 50 years is enough for the (officially still ongoing) Korean war. He recommends to the US that they accede to North Korean demands and sign a peace treaty. He suggests that the US demand that North Korea unilaterally give up nuclear weapons is unrealistic.
Music: David Rovics
Thanks to Mike McCormick for the interview of Han S. Park
Some of this episode's content is repeated in episode 529 and 531.
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