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#35#36#37#38 Episode #39 - FTAA
(And the Arctic Wildlife Refuge under threat)



Sat 2 December 2000  Ellen Gould, Mark Lee, Bob Everton
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2A new presidential administration is about to be imposed. It began with a stolen election and is likely to proceed like a gang rape, with ourselves and our environment as the victims, unless we fight back. Now that the G. W. Bush's cabinet has been made visible, it is clear that American might will be brought to bear on behalf of certain special interests, the oil industry chief among them. One of their special targets is the Arctic Wildlife refuge, which they hope to turn into an oilfield. First we hear a 25 minute documentary on the threats to that special place. Then we look at another devastating project that will be sure to get lots of attention - the Free Trade Area of the Americas, the extension of NAFTA's profits over people program to the entire western hemisphere.
After the documentary by Coyote Nation, we hear Ellen Gould from IFG speaking about FTAA. Mark Lee from the Canadian Centre for Alternatives, speaks on speaks for 15 minutes on the FTAA, and compares it with NAFTA. We conclude with 40 minutes of Bob Everton speaking on how Latin American grassroots activists respond to the FTAA.
Music: Midnight Oil, Tracy Chapman
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