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#495#496#497#498 Episode #499 - The Real Problem, Real Solutions
(Equality, Culture, Food and the Nature of the Economy)



Mon 18 January 2010  Richard Wilkinson, Thom Hartmann, Anuradha Mittal, Claire Gilbert, Barry Lia, Dena Hoff
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we interview a range of speakers who challenge the Western civilization's foundational myths, and who share an alternative, more equitable vision of a sustainable human future. First, two authors speak abouth their recent new books, Richard Wilkinson on the importance of equality in society, and Thom Hartmann challenging the central myths of hierarchy and dominance. In our second hour, Anuradha Mittal, Claire Gilbert, Barry Lia, Dena Hoff.
We begin the show this week with a half hour interview of Richard Wilkinson, talking about his new book, The Spirit Level, on inequality. This book reveals a multiplicity of ways in which the most equal societies are also the healthiest, happiest and most successful by a very wide set of criteria. Following this, we hear an interview with Thom Hartmann, talking about his new book Threshhold, The Crisis of Western Culture. He talks about animal behaviour, and recent research which challenges some of the central myths of hierarchy and dominance in Western Culture. In our second hour, we hear from Anuradha Mittal on the Crisis of Capitalism. Why, since we have sufficient food for everyone, are 1 out of 6 of people suffering chronic hunger? There is a lot of money invested in poverty and hunger. In the 1960s, the developing world was a large food exporter, but by 2001 it was in shortage. Food, she says, is a human right, and so it should not be commodified. In our last half hour, three speakers from Trade and Agriculture, How Farmers get the Chaff. First, Claire Gilbert speaks on NAFTA and Global Trade. Then we hear Barry Lia speaking on self-sufficiency, global hunger and global trade. We conclude with Dena Hoff speaking on the resistance movement to agribusiness, the rise of small organic farms in US.
Thanks so very much to Mike McCormick who recorded and produced the material for this episode
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