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#43#44#45#46 Episode #47 - Women in Action
(Judi Bari and Others)



Sat 27 January 2001  Judi Bari, Cindy Milstein, Alexis Buss, Jerri Hildebrand
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we featuring contemporary women active in a variety of areas: environment, labor, democracy and in the defense of non-patriarchal, earth-centered religious practice.
We devote our first hour to a documentary commemorating the life of the much mourned and courageous Judi Bari of Earth First!, who passed on in 1997 at the age of 48 years from cancer, after surviving a bomb blast several years earlier that was meant to take her life, and stop her work.

In the second hour, we hear from three women activists:

  1. Cindy Milstein, who teaches at the Institute for Social Ecology in Plainfield, Vermont. Her work focuses on how direct democracy can be implemented on a local level now to return decision making to people's hands. Today, we're going to hear a presentation of her essay Reclaim the cities, from protest to popular power.--- which she gave at the Renewing the Anarchist Tradition Conference in Plainfield Vermont last year.
  2. Alexis Buss, General Secretary of the Industrial Workers of the World
  3. Jerri Hildebrand of AREN, the alternative religions educational network a non-profit network about an open letter being distributed by AREN in response to the G. W. Bush proposal to funnel tax dollars to faith based groups to address social problems. Who decides what is a legitimate religion, and on what basis other than their personal prejudices?
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