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#342#343#344#345 Episode #346 - Taking Action on Climate...
(...Instead of Wanking to the Dow Jones)



Sun 18 February 2007  George Monbiot, Mayer Hillman, Phil England
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Greenhouse gases have hit a new record in the atmosphere and the build-up is accelerating, apparently because of industrial growth in Asia, China is opening coal-fired power plants at the rate of almost one a week. "Levels are at a new high," said Kim Holmen, research director of the Norwegian Polar Institute which oversees the Zeppelin measuring station on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard about 1,200 km (750 miles) from the North Pole.

Concentrations of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas emitted largely by burning fossil fuels in power plants, factories and cars, had risen to 390 parts per million (ppm) from 388 a year ago. 400 parts per million is considered the critical threshold beyond which warming effects may be beyond the point of no return. At the present rate of increase, we will reach the critical level in five years.

Meanwhile, on Friday, the Dow Jones industrial average closed at an all time high. There is actually a relationship between the CO2 numbers and the Dow Jones. Governments are maintaining the Dow Jones numbers which reflect a toxic brew of overproduction and excessive consumption - all fueled by the burning of hydrocarbons, at the expense of focusing on the CO2 numbers and the capacity of the planet to sustain our sort of life form.

Thanks to the London Sound Posse and the 2 Degrees Show from the magnificent Resonance FM
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