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#307#308#309#310 Episode #311 - Prophets for Our Time
(Why We Must Bring Down "Civilization" Before it Kills Us All)



Sun 18 June 2006  David Noble (reading), Derrick Jensen
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This first half hour of this week's show we hear from chapter 3 of David Noble's Beyond The Promised Land - The Movement and The Myth about the provenance of the Bible. The remaining 90 minutes is given over to Derrick Jensen explaining why he believes we should set about destroying civilization as quickly as possible.
We start by reading David Noble. Then it's Derrick Jensen speaking about his forthcoming book, Endgame, on the hidden nature of violence in Western Culture, and the revolutionary nature of the changes needed to live on the land sustainability once more. He begins by explaining his premises, and argues from them why he believes violent destruction of man's civilizing influence on nature is the appropriate response, and one for which future generations will thank us.
Music: Turn! Turn! Turn! by Pete Seeger
Thanks to Alphonso for the Seeger recording and to Free Radio Santa Cruz for the Derrick Jensen recording.
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