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#213#214#215#216 Episode #217 - Mom, Apple Pie and Jack Boots
(Constitutional Rights Aren't Rights If You Can't Use Them)



Sun 22 August 2004  Anna Ritter, Lance Salisbury, Anne Marie Cusack, Anna Noguera, Katya Komisaruk
Listen to hour#1 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)Listen to hour#2 in New Tab (Right Click + Save As... to download)
Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week on the program we look at the extent to which our constitutional rights are actually respected - the freedom to speak, to hold views and freely associate with others, to demonstrate, to be protected from cruel and unusual punishment and to have one's person or belongings safe from arbitrary search and seizure by agents of the state. These are the American freedoms that we are told are being protected by the endless war.
Do you have a right of free speech if the only way you can use it is in ways that don't offend the government? Do you have a right to assemble freely to demonstrate your disapproval of government policies if you're only allowed to do this in such way that it has no impact? We'll report on new developments in the court case of four teenage peace activists in Ithaca, then Abu Ghraib, USA. In our second hour a lesson on your rights and how to protect them while protesting, specially geared to listeners headed to New York to protest the Republican Convention.
Music: Billionaires for Bush
Thanks to Ron Anicich, Steven Starr, Chris Burnett, Andras Jones, and Ethan Miller
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