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#186#187#188#189 Episode #190 - The New Robber Barons and the American Future
(Steven Brouwer, Green Party Debate and Disciplined Minds)



Sat 25 October 2003  Steven Brouwer, Peter Camejo, Norman Solomon, Jeff Schmidt (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2Steven Brouwer is the author of many books on political economy. His latest, Robbing Us Blind, deals with the age of the new robber barons, the Bush gang and the roll-back of the advancements of the working class in the 20th century in America. We begin the show with a presentation he gave at the kick-off of Bush Must Go! in Ithaca. Then an excerpt from a debate on the question of whether the Green party should run a presidential candidate in 2004 between Peter Camejo, Green party gubernatorial candidate for governor of California and columnist Norman Solomon. We conclude with another installment from Jeff Schmidt's Disciplined Minds.

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