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#165#166#167#168 Episode #169 - Beyond the Bullshit
(9/11 and US Global Domination)



Sat 31 May 2003  Michael Meacher, Nafeez Ahmed, Stan Goff
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2As the second anniversary of the September 11th attacks approaches, those events of 2001 continue to be put forward as a justification for the actions of the government by the Bush administration and their captive press. We are being fed a steady diet of propaganda with the goal of keeping us fearful and distracting us from the real story. But truth will out, and this week we look at the geopolitical agenda that lies behind the war on terrorism, and the attacks of 9-11-2001. We'll hear from a former member of Tony Blair's cabinet who has publicly denounced the war on terrorism as" bogus", an independent researcher who has documented the deception and inconsistencies of the 9/11 official story and a former US special forces officer who will explain the workings of a brutal foreign policy based on the bottom line that is able to persist because of systematic deception.

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