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#20#21#22#23 Episode #24 - Speaking the Unspeakable: Capitalism Ain't Democracy!
(Labor's Radical Roots)



Sat 19 August 2000  Sam Simon & Joshua Oppenheimer (Reading), Danield Fusfeld (reading)
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Download Hour1 Download Hour2This week we look at labor's radical beginnings, and the how government has ultimately worked against the interests of working people, then and now. We start by reading an essay by Sam Simon and Joshua Oppenheimer, The Media and the Message, Speaking the Unspeakable in Philadelphia and Los Angeles.
A Latin American bishop once commented, "When I feed the poor I am called a saint. When I ask why are they poor, I'm called a communist."

Discussions that address the core issues of democratization of wealth and power are off limits in the corporate and government controlled media. Movements that have addressed the issue of class power have been ruthlessly repressed or co-opted. Chief among these is the labor movement, which originally had the goal of realizing worker ownership, rather than the watered down present demands of a "fair wage." While a good wage is better than a bad wage, workers face an endless uphill battle, and union membership has declined under the onslaught.

The essay, "Speaking the Unspeakable" puts in context the media blackout on the message of the pro-democracy/anti-globalization movement. Then, we begin the first of a series of readings of The Rise and Repression of Radical Labor, on the repression of the radical labor movement in America. Also, news on a prisoners' union in Missouri, Mexican workers fighting for independent unions in the maquiladoras, and unemployed who are organizing. And, Bruderhof Radio covers two recent reports on child wage slavery in agriculture.
Music: ???
Thanks to Building Bridges for the labor report.
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